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Sacred Art and Spirituality Center




Behold the Crone

Dancer of Time

Completion of the Sacred Cycle


She who is Wisdom

Beloved, respected and feared

Honored as Grandmother, Ancestress and Hag


In the End there is Beginning

Death brings birth; Life renews through Her


Behold the Crone, Dancer of Time

Mother of worlds, Maiden of re-birth

Child of the next generation


Dancing through Time

She who cuts the cords of Life and Death,

Grandmother of all


The Crone comes

Silently, powerfully, relentlessly

Crossing space and time,

Holding the threads of Life and Death

Mistress of Endings and Beginnings


Speaking through Elders

I am the Crone

The Grandmother - the Wisdom of Age

I am Hecate, I am Kali, I am the Eternal One


I cross Space and Time

Holding the threads of Life and Death

Mistress of Endings and Beginnings


I am the completion of the Cycle

Maiden - Mother - Crone

I have come as the Goddess

and in Me all Life renews

All things are possible


The Crone comes dancing

Silently, powerfully, relentlessly

to all !

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